NW Section Championship Series 2021 - Results (In Progress)

Qualification Note: This year, there is a required minimum of 4 scoring section matches to qualify for a series score. Series scores are calculated by taking a shooter's top 4 overall division percentages and averaging them. Standings are then determined using this averaged score.

If you have any questions on how your score was calculated or how many qualifying match scores you had please refer to one of the following:
- The Final Standings Raw page is an unsorted list of all shooters and their series scores. It also contains detailed information about which match scores were used in the series score calculation.
- The excel document also has sheet called 'FinalStanding-All' with the same information.

NOTE: All standings and awards calculations presented below are NOT final. They are to be considered a snapshot of the series results if the series ended today. Section membership and therefore award eligibility may not be up-to-date. Please refer to the raw data in the final standings link for the data used to make these calculations.

Match #ClubDatePractiScore LinkUSPSA LinkChallengeMatch?
1Paul Bunyan5/9/2021LinkLinkFALSE
2Port Townsend6/5/2021LinkLinkFALSE
3Mt. Rainer's Shadow6/16/2021LinkLinkFALSE
5Area 1 - 18/4/2021LinkLinkTRUE
6Area 1 - 28/4/2021LinkLinkTRUE

Questions? If you have any questions about the scores please feel free to PM Matt Carlson on Facebook and please check the FAQ as well.

This website was generated by code found on this Github repo. The raw site files can be found at this Github repo.